In this week's thrilling episode of the DIY Chart Show,
MeTom has been rescued but what evil experiments will the topless welsh valey girls have conducted on him? and perhaps when beaming him to safety, someone else was inadvertantly beamed on board as well. And has the disharmony in the crew really really averted.
All this and more in this week's thrilling episode of the DIY CHART SHOW,.
with meRobin, MeTom and Meloveyoulongtime.
with extra help from T-boy Bush and Jimmy the imaginary squirrel.
Sunday from 1pm to 3pm CET on www.radiostudent107.cz
This week's soundtrack provided by
The Ark, Finntroll, Monday Michuru, The Egg, Baby Shambles, The Shins, Kasabian, Neutral Milk Hotel, To rococo rot and loads more.
I'm not sure how you could live with yourself, if you miss it.
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